Special Forces Association Ohio Chapter 45 XLV

Our Mission Statement
“Sense of Brotherhood”
“Our purpose is to unite, fraternally, all who are now or ever have been assigned to the United States Army Special Forces, to perpetuate Special Forces traditions.”
The Special Forces Association is the largest special operations association in the World. Our members include active duty Green Berets, Army National Guard SF Soldiers, veterans and retired members and of the US Special Forces.

Members expand their network of friends by meeting new chapter members. SF guys who move to Ohio or neighboring states, recently retire from or end their active military service, and members of the Ohio National Guard’s B/2/19th Special Forces Group are constantly adding new blood to the chapter.
Seeing your old buddies is fun, but making new friends with Green Berets with other experiences is a great opportunity and a good time. It’s a rewarding opportunity because you will find other guys who think the way you do and shared the same gauntlet of selection, training, unit experiences, deployments, and, for many, combat.
We are a local SF Association Chapter in Ohio with meetings and events across the state. Join us and stay connected to your Special Forces Community.
Join, Renew, Transfer Membership
Get Involved with SFA Chapter 45 today! We are very active and are involved in the support of our troops and community.
Ohio Green Beret Support
Group, LLC
The Ohio Green Beret Support Group, LLC is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization that solely supports active duty and retired Special Forces soldiers and their families. It is a subsidiary to The Buckeye Chapter 45 of the Special Forces Association. Ohio has one Special Forces unit that deploys frequently.

Check out our Upcoming Events. We have a lot planned this year. Come and join us!
Upcoming Meetings in Columbus and Newport
Ohio Military Hall of Fall for Valor Awards
Rolling Thunder Ohio
5th Annual Freedom Ride
5th Annual 3 Gun Shoot